Aquaclear 85ml ‚The Best Protein-Rich Feed

Young ornamental fish require specialized nutrition, and that’s where Aquaclear 85ml comes in. Packed with proteins, this feed supports robust growth, bolsters resistance to diseases, and enhances vibrant colors thanks to spirulina content.

Composition: Comprising fish and fish products, vegetable proteins, and other nutritious ingredients, Aquaclear 85ml is a balanced diet. Egg powder and spirulina are among its core components, ensuring optimal growth and coloration.

Benefits: Not only does it provide physical growth benefits, but it also enhances internal organ development and immunity. The high protein content ensures young fish develop properly and have high resistance to infections.

Safety: Designed exclusively for aquariums, Aquaclear 85ml is not suitable for human consumption. Keep it out of reach from children for safety. You can buy the Aquaclear 85ml – The Best Protein-Rich Feed here

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